
Released Today – The Swordsman’s Oath

Released Today – The Swordsman’s Oath

We are delighted to announce that The Swordsman’s Oath, the second of Juliet E. McKenna’s Tales of Einarinn series, is now available as an ebook. Juliet talks about the book, and why she chose to focus on Ryshad rather than Livak for the sequel, at her blog. Other than that, you can buy the book in our store. It will appear in other stores in the coming days. The remaining three novels in the Tales of Einarinn series will be…

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Colinthology Worldwide

Colinthology Worldwide

We are pleased to report that Colinthology is now available in a wide range of stores. You can find it (and all of our other books) in the following stores: Wizard’s Tower Books Weightless Books The Robot Trading Company Barnes & Noble Kobo Amazon US Amazon UK and other Amazon stores around the world All of the revenue from Colinthology goes direct to charity (Above & Beyond). You can see the full table of contents here.

Released Today – The Thief’s Gamble

Released Today – The Thief’s Gamble

We are delighted to announce that The Thief’s Gamble, the first of Juliet E. McKenna’s Tales of Einarinn series, is now available as an ebook. Juliet is, of course, the expert on the book, so if you want to learn more we recommend you read her blog post about the release. Other than that, you can buy the book in our store. It will appear in other stores next week. The other four novels in the Tales of Einarinn series…

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Coming Soon – The Colinthology

Coming Soon – The Colinthology

Our next book to go on sale will be Juliet McKenna’s The Thief’s Gamble, the first part of our project to digitize her backlist. Cheryl has blogged about it here. However, soon after that we will be publishing a new anthology dedicated to the late Colin Harvey. Colin was the editor of the first book we ever published — Dark Spires. The Colinthology is edited by Joanne Hall and Roz Clarke (both of whom had stories in Dark Spires). It…

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Coming Next Week – Turns & Chances

Coming Next Week – Turns & Chances

Common cause unites a duke’s beautiful mistress, a stable lad, a goodwife, a priest, the bereft mother of an infant son and guild masters weary of seeing apprentices drafted into brutish militias. Conflicting loyalties set a duke’s dutiful bastard son on a deadly collision course with a journeyman blacksmith with most unexpected skills. In time, the country of Lescar will explode in bloody revolution, but before that comes this classic novella from Juliet E. McKenna. Turns & Chances was originally…

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