Welcome to Boy.net

Welcome to Boy.net

Paperback: 978-1-913892-72-2
Hardcover: 978-1-913892-73-9
EPUB: 978-1-913892-70-8
MOBI: 978-1-913892-71-5

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Lucia Del Toro and Independence ‘Hawk’ Hawking are a pair of happy-go-lucky lesbian bounty hunters, united in their passion for adventure and each other. Hawk grew up on a hippy science commune on the Earth’s Moon and has always been rootless and carefree. Del Toro, however, has a more complicated past, which is about to come back to haunt her.

Politics in the Solar System are always fraught. A key player is the UN’s crack regiment of space marines, the ENForcers. They are as hardcore and testosterone-fuelled as military units come, and proudly all-male. Being cyborgs they are all connected through a bioware network known as boy.net. Lucia’s link to that network is one of many things that Del Toro thought she’d put behind her when she got out of the military and changed her life. But, with the security of the Solar System at stake, she will soon have a choice to make.

Advance Praise

Welcome to Boy.Net gives the reader a gripping blend of space adventure, a universe with the glitz and grime of a city’s nightlife, and heartbreakingly human characters you will root for. […] The Rule of Cool” in fiction writing is when if something’s cool, it’s in. Welcome to Boy.Net follows the Rule of Cool, then flips everything over to show you the underside, the complications, and the price. You see the place built with the Rule of Cool two decades later, as the employees try their best to keep the air from leaking out and the cold from leaking in. Lyda’s books start with cool, and then ask, who’s in charge of the repairs on this?” — Naomi Kritzer

Welcome to Boy.net is space opera with heart! It’s a rollicking tale full of love and peril, set in a future solar system as vibrant and diverse as the real world.” — David D. Levine, Hugo- and Nebula-winning author of The Kuiper Belt Job